【同义词辨析】 2018-08-21 假冒imposture-counterfeit

imposture: applies to any situation in which a spurious object or performance is passed off as genunie: the movie's claim of social concern is an ~.  (spurious虚假谬误,如tried to give a spurious impression企图给人虚假印象,a spurious argument谬误的论述)  (pass off冒充: she looks very young and can pass off as a girl for a long time她看上去年轻,可以装扮成女孩)

fraud: usually implies a deliberate perversion of truth but, applied to a person, may imply no more than pretense and hypocrisy: a diary that was exposed as a ~.  (pretense故意制造效果,有假装的意思)

sham: applies to a fraudulent but close imitation of a real thing or action: condemned the election as a ~ and a travesty of democracy.

fake: implies an imitation of or substitution for the genuine but does not necessarily imply dishonesty as a motive: these are ~s, the real jewels being in the vault.

humbug: suggests elaborate pretense that may be deliberate or may result from self-deceit: the diet business is populated with ~s.    (political humbug and  obligatory compliments政治骗术和奉承恭维, What a revolting humbug the man was真是令人作呕的伪君子)      diet business减肥行业

counterfeit: applies especially to close imitation of something valuable: ~ 20 dollars.

imposture冒充虚假: 泛指虚假事物行为冒充真实,fraud欺诈虚伪: 表示故意歪曲事实,或表示人虚伪假装, sham虚假:  表示有欺诈目的逼真的模仿(注: sham可能逼真,但很容易看穿,所以有轻蔑不懈的含义),fake赝品假的: 模仿品替代品, 但不一定表示不诚实, humbug伪君子不真诚: 可能故意欺骗,也可能自我欺骗,counterfeit假冒: 对高价值东西的逼真模仿

记忆方法: 1)首字母组合成FC FISH, FC发音/fik/同fake,FISH鱼,假鱼<==假冒的鱼        (fishy表示让人怀疑不诚实dishonest, suspicious如there seems to be something fishy going on事情好像有点不对劲)

         2)假冒的意思是某物假装具有另一事物的属性品格品质,但实际不是mean a thing which pretends to be one thing in nature, character, or quality but is really another.